P2Har - From Shame to Grace

Take responsiblity for all that you are and can be v2

June 2021 Sept 2020 June 2021 November 2021

 NOTE: January 5th, 2022 next business meeting

Meeting Minutes

November 2021

1. Discussion regarding joining intergroup

Decision - won't send any money 

2. Green book - will be sold at a discount for $10.00

3. Meeting format - in person versus virtual versus hybrid

format to be determined.

For the time being will will remain status quo but those who want to search for a room are more than welcome to search.

June 2021

Tri-County Recovery SAA

Business Meeting - June 22, 2021


  1. Serenity Prayer
  2. Minutes from previous meeting; Motion to accept previous business meeting minutes:

(Treasurer’s Report: $550 balance; tentative decision to send $350 to Ignatief, and $150 to ISO)

Passed: David/Greg

  1. Treasurer’s Report:  Current Balance $889.85

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report

Greg/David: Carried.

  1. Old Business
  2. a) Positions:  Nominations and volunteers for positions on the board are requested.
  3. b) Motion to immediately make a $150 to Intergroup Services Organization

Greg/Sean: Carried (unanimous)

  1. c) i. Motion (Robert/Greg) to offer to cover arrears in the amount of $400 for to Ignatief Jesuit Centre.

Discussion: Discussion with Craig Chamberlain administrator regarding rent to be paid.  Expectation on his part of retroactive rent for arrears.  Suggestion was made to pay arrears him $30/week and agreement to come back to him with the finalized amount.  Robert to ask Craig if we can pay electronically? 

Robert/Greg: Carried (unanimous).

  1. Motion to pay $30/week going forward.

Robert/Sean: Carried (unanimous).

  1. New Business
  2. a) Robert to have a discussion with Craig to get the correct room number for the future in-person meetings in order to update information about our meetings in the online database PIN Network listings on the website.
  3. b) Announcement from Greg:  Next week, like this one will be a hybrid meeting.
  4. c) Next meeting July 31

Motion to close the meeting.

Robert/Todd: Carried.

Sept 29, 2020


approximately $250 in the treasury but money has been committed to the Jesuit centre and the ISO

Green books are going to be purchased.

attendance 9 people

continlue with edited version until next business meeting at which time we will discuss again.